021 - Talented & Gifted Kids in New Zealand. What Gives??

If you are moving to New Zealand with kids and your child is currently in a talented and gifted programme at school then you are going to love this week's guest!

Kim is a born and bred kiwi girl with a wealth of experience in the New Zealand education system.

In this week's show Kim shares everything there is to know about what is on offer to the gifted children of New Zealand.


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Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day?

Are you Considering Moving To New Zealand and are desperate to know what life in New Zealand is (really) like? 

Sign up HERE, and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series! At the end of the series, you will be offered details of how to become a member of our inspiring and growing private NZ Ahead community.



Gifted Children in New Zealand. Podcast Show Notes

In this week's show, Kim talks to Liz about:

  1. Homeschooling in New Zealand
  2. What are talented and gifted kids?
  3. Why don’t gifted kids simply be given more homework/challenges at school?
  4. Do all schools in New Zealand offer a gifted programme?
  5. Is the programme offered to overseas students and /or kids on a visa or must you be a resident of NZ?
  6. Do teachers have to have any extra qualifications to be T&G teacher?
  7. Do the kids come out with extra credits/or more chance of getting into college because they have been through this programme?
  8. How do you decide which kids get accepted into the programme and which don’t?
  9. What does a typical day in a gifted programme classroom look like?
  10. Is it for the parents to flag up that their child is T&G or is that the job of a teacher or other professional?
  11. Are there any areas of the country that were better able to accommodate both the challenging parts of giftedness and the parts that need a bit more rigour?
  12. For kids that are mildly gifted, would you recommend a public school or private school - this stems from a US perspective.
  13. What’s the most challenging/best part of your job?



Links in the show:

Taranaki Gifted Community Trust

Home Educators New Zealand 


If you are moving to New Zealand then you will love this show. It will also serve as a reminder of how important it is to surround yourself with like-minded people whenever you are about to tackle something as huge as moving to the other side of the world. You don't have to do it alone.


Connect with other like-minded adventurers by becoming a member of our NZ Ahead Community!

Do You LOVE New Zealand & dream of moving here one day?

Are you Considering Moving To New Zealand and are desperate to know what life in New Zealand is (really) like? 

Sign up HERE, and I will send you my FREE Moving to and Living in New Zealand Guide. A 5 Part Video Series! At the end of the series, you will be offered details of how to become a member of our inspiring and growing private NZ Ahead community.



Are you moving with Pets to New Zealand?

Then if you are, don't hesitate to reach out to Starwood Pet Travel. Mention NZ Ahead Podcast, and you'll get extra, extra special love!! 


We LOVE Housesitting in New Zealand. Want to Try it too? 

If you have been following us for a while, then you will know that we traveled the World for one year with our kids in 2018 and for 6 months in 2022 by ourselves. While we were traveling, we did a lot of housesitting. We are constantly asked how we did this and if we can share the website that we used. So here it is:

The initial 'looking part' is free. You can oggle all of the beautiful houses around New Zealand that are waiting for YOU to look after them. Take a sneak peek here! (As I say, looking is completely free, so gander to your heart's content).

Then, if you are serious about using Housesitting as a tool to travel the world for free (as we do), you can use my exclusive discount code to save yourself 20% by Clicking here.

Still not sure about paying for a Housesitting membership? Remember that the cost of a yearly membership (approx $80 using the discount code above) will be paid back (and more) on the first housesitting night. It really is that simple!






Moving to New Zealand? Here's More Content For You!

Being a teacher in New Zealand. Life at School.

Moving to New Zealand from the USA. The Truth About The First Six Months.

Taranaki. Why We Consider It One Of The BEST Places In NZ To Live.

WARNING!! Do Not Say This in New Zealand!!

Canada or New Zealand? Why We Chose New Zealand

Life in New Zealand Compared to the UK. From a Kiwi Who's Tried Both

Leaving America to live in New Zealand

7 Things That Scared us About Moving To New Zealand

Living in New Zealand. Why 30% Of Immigrants Go Back Home

Moving to New Zealand. The How's, the Whys and the Hoops.

Moving to New Zealand. 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid Making

Americans in New Zealand. Will They Ever Feel at Home?


Interested in Life in New Zealand? Here's More Content For You!

Is New Zealand NEGLECTING These Essential Life Skills?

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My...Scary Things in New Zealand

7 Weird Things About New Zealand

You Know You're in New Zealand When...

Where To Live in New Zealand? North or South Island?

Christmas Down Under? Wonderful or Weird?



Behind The Scenes Podcast Episodes

(Where we share the things that are happening in our lives right now).

Episode #1: Meeting Our Teenage Daughter. Life at 17.

Episode #2: Our Son at 20. Homeschooled. No College. Three Jobs.

Episode #3: We Met Online. The Māori Subscribers Who Changed Our Lives.

Episode #4: The REAL Reason We Left the UK.

Episode #5: Quitting School. Now What?

Episode #6. Dealing With The Mistakes You Make Online


Can't Wait To Travel Again? Here's Some Inspiring Content For You!

7 Most Beautiful Places on Earth (And Why You Need To Visit Them SOON! 

Japanese Culture. 7 Things You Should (Really) Know BEFORE You Go

How to Travel The World For Free. Or at Least Very, Very Cheap.

Italy Travel (Like You've Never Seen Before. In Your Life.)


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